Baby crib and old cabinet turned into buffet table!

What, oh what to do with a baby crib that your son has teethed on until huge chunks of wood are gone and your daughter has rocked apart?  Instead of sending it on its lonely way to a thrift store, how about turning it into something that makes everyone go, “WOW!”

Step 1

Take much loved crib and cut it up with a table saw!  Yes, I know, but trust me it’s gonna look fabulous.  I will post my crib soon to give you a better idea.  Normally I will take step by step pictures.  Look for what pieces you can use.  The crib slats will eventually make up the bottom part of the shelf.

Step 2

You have two choices, find an old cabinet or build your own.  I had an old ugly set of cabinets that I chose to give a face lift and make it simple.  Originally they were flat-faced doors.  I sanded them down, added crown molding, and painted a very earthy brown.  I’ll show you how to redo flat-faced cabinets on another post.

Step 3

Saw crib legs into 5 new legs about 3 to 4 inches long, depending on how tall you want your buffet table.  Attach 2 of the legs to each end of the cabinet from below and one in the center with screws.  Predill your holes from the inside of the cabinet as well as the legs.

Step 4

Measure the width of your cabinets and cut crib rails according to that width.  Cut enough to cover the entire top of the cabinet.   Attach the crib rails with liquid nail as well as using short screws below for extra security.  Make sure you predrill.  Paint the rails the same color as cabinet.

Step 5

Cut more of crib legs or any other part of your crib that will work  into 8 shelf stands that are about 3-4 inches tall, depending upon how tall you want your shelf.  Attach to the end, spacing about 2 inches apart in a column.  Secure with liquid nail as well as screw from below inside the cabinet.  Predrill!  Paint same color as cabinet.

Step 5

Measure the width and distance of your cabinets and select either one solid piece of wood that fit those dimensions. I chose two pieces of pine, stained them an american chestnut, liquid nailed them together as well as creating short strips of wood that I screwed side by side (spaced 6 inches across) into place for added strength.  Lay across your shelf stands and secure from below with two inch shelf brackets.

Step 6

Cover any screw holes with thin strips of crow molding using liquid nail and small molding nails.

Voila!  Please feel free to post any additional questions.  Again with future projects, I will take step by step pictures.

Moving Forward

I have completed the last revisions with the third and final novel in my Eyes of the Unknown series.  Eyes of the Others concludes Sarah Ashton’s journey, but leaves the door open for an additional spin off series told through Anne Breslin’s eyes.  In the meantime, I have begun a new stand alone novel Soul Sisters.  It tells the story of  Abby Wilson, a teenage girl who suffers with Conversion Disorder and shares a unique connection with her comatose sister.  The story has been pressing on me to be told for the last year and it is quickly coming along.  The first draft is nearing competition.

I am also creating a website.

Nearing completion

I am nearly finished with the rough draft of book three, Eyes of the Others.  I have drawn heavily on my current studies of the French Resistance during World War II.  It has been a unique experience to have Sarah surrounded in such a dark world while struggling to hold to the light.  This finale will be the most difficult to write, so much has to happen in order to do justice to all my characters.

Contract Received

I just received the contract from Collier Associates.  I am gathering all the necessary materials to send to her.  Dianna will be returning to New York at the end of May to present my manuscript to several publishers.  In the meantime, I am continuing to write book three, as well as outlining my next new series.


I have completed the outline for the final book in my triology, Eyes of the Others, and will begin writing it in earnest when Chris heads out of town this week.  Until then, I am catching up on some long overdue reading.  There just doesn’t seem to be enough hours in the day to write and read!  I eagerly consumed Catching Fire, Wings, and the final Percy Jackson book, but I am already feeling the incurable itch to write again.  It’s impossible to have my mind entirely on anyone else’s characters when my own are waiting for their story to be completed!


I am waiting for my contract from Dianna Collier to arrive.  Upon completion, I will mail her Eyes of the Unknown and Eyes of the Searchers.  Dianna will then send off book one, and possibly book two, to a number of different publishers.  Until then, I am currently working on the outline for the third book in my trilogy.

Eyes of the Searchers

I have just completed the rough draft of Eyes of the Searchers-book two.  I’m so excited with how well it turned out and I am continuing to polish it.  Dianna Collier has also informed me that she will be leaving for New York on Thursday to pitch my book.